
如果你在维萨利亚有一处出租房产,你需要知道如何处理维修紧急情况. 我们总是建议业主有一个完善的预防性维修计划. This will cut down on unexpected repairs, replacements, and outages. 

然而,当你的出租房屋发生紧急情况时,你需要知道该怎么做. Your residents will need to be prepared as well. 

Hopefully, you’re working with a Visalia property management company. 物业经理有能力处理您出租物业的任何紧急情况, 无论是与天气有关的,还是由停电或管道灾难引起的.

把重点放在了解紧急问题的根源上是极其重要的, and not necessarily the result. If all the plumbing in your rental property 突然停止工作,可能是简单的管道腐蚀,也可能是严重的地基问题. 



Before we think about wildfires, excessive heat, or a major earthquake, let’s focus on potential problems that come from inside the home. 

That means maintenance emergencies. 

这些类型的紧急情况可以定义为任何损害您的投资结构完整性或使您的租户的安全处于危险之中的事情. That’s an emergency, 你会想要尽快处理它,以尽量减少损失、风险和责任. 

Don’t let the initial problem lead to bigger problems. 你准备和回应的方式将决定你是减轻了额外的伤害还是招致了伤害.

Plumbing and water damage serve as an excellent example. 不管是因为楼上的邻居忘了关浴缸而突然发生洪水,还是你房子的墙里有管道漏水, water can be traumatic for your investment. 它会破坏你的家的结构,并导致电器的损坏, furniture, floors, and personal property. 疏于处理的管道问题也会导致发霉和腐烂. 你需要处理每一个与水有关的紧急维护问题. 

你需要知道在你的房子里哪里可以找到必要的截止阀. You’ll need to know where to find the irrigation line. It may be in the street or in the yard or on the side of the property. There are several locations and you need to know where they are. 你还想知道煤气管道在哪里,以及在煤气泄漏的情况下如何关闭这些管道. 

Make sure your tenants have this information, too. 他们必须能自如地找到这些截止阀和断路器. They should also know how to operate them. 如果你的家被水淹了,你肯定不希望他们等着水管工的到来. 你想让他们知道如何关闭水,防止进一步的损害.

Preparing for Potential Emergencies 

你需要为潜在的紧急情况制定一个计划,无论是与天气有关的还是维修问题. 如果发生洪水或火灾,你可以制定相应的程序. 

Disaster planning starts with knowing your investment property. 你必须知道它的弱点,以及在哪里可以找到发生紧急情况的最大风险. 

What disasters and emergencies are you most vulnerable to? 

In Visalia, it probably won’t be a hurricane. There’s not likely to be a blizzard and there are rarely tornadoes. Earthquakes are a concern, however. You need to have an emergency plan in place for earthquakes Fires, too. 

Your property manager 是否会通过识别潜在的责任并围绕它们制定计划来为任何不愉快的可能性做好准备. 我们将与供应商建立关系,帮助我们立即进行维修,并采取预防措施,防止事情变得更糟. 例如,我们确保在地震的情况下符合最新的建筑规范.  

作为物业经理,我们发现应急准备是最后一件事 rental property owners think about, but it actually needs to be a priority, especially in Visalia, where we’re always at risk for an earthquake or a fire.  

Make Sure Your Insurance Policy Is Current

A strong insurance policy is a great way to protect yourself from emergencies that you never saw coming. 

In additional to your landlord policy, 你可能想买地震险和额外的洪水险, depending on where exactly you’re located. You should have fire insurance, too, and if you can’t find it, 您的物业经理可以根据FAIR计划提出一些建议. 

定期查看你的保险单,以确保你在紧急情况下得到适当的保障. 许多业主认为他们的保险政策会照顾一切, 但现实情况是,政策差异很大,可能无法涵盖所有类型的损害或责任情况. 在紧急情况发生之前与你的保险公司联系,可以帮助你发现保险范围中的漏洞,让你安心,你得到了充分的保护. 

If you don’t have an insurance agent you trust, we can refer you to one.

Keep Contact Information Current and Know Your Local Resources

Property managers need your current contact information. 

If you’re not working with a property manager, make sure your tenants know how to reach you. Keep your tenants safe during an emergency by keeping them informed. They’ll need to have access to resources and helplines. 

为了让自己和房客做好应对潜在危机的准备,你可以做的第一件事就是了解当地和州当局. You need to know who to call in case of an emergency, and your residents need to have the same list of contact numbers. 

Cover all your bases. 健康大流行和地震需要不同于你家漏水或厨房着火的应急反应. 确保你和你的住院医生都有适当的指导方针,并承诺遵守它们. 

Contact Property ManagerWe are constantly reviewing our emergency plans, whether we’re talking about a leak in the unit, a regional power outage, another pandemic, or a devastating earthquake. 如果您想讨论您自己的应急准备,请mg冰球突破豪华版试玩股权集团.